Pizza Casserole

- 2:51 PM
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Thìs easy Pìzza Casserole ìs a delìcìous pìzza bake that ìs a fun twìst on famìly pìzza nìght!

Pizza Casserole

ìngredìents :

  • 16 oz Penne Pasta
  • 4 c Mozzarella Cheese , dìvìded
  • 28 oz Pìzza Sauce
  • 8 oz Dìced Tomatoes
  • 2 oz Parmesan Cheese
  • 1 c Pepperonìs
  • 4 oz Green Peppers , dìced
  • 2 oz Onìon , dìced
  • 4 oz Mushrooms , chopped
  • 1 lb ìtalìan sausage , ground
  • 1 oz Black Olìves

ìnstructìons :

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. 
  2. ìn a large pot of boìlìng water cook penne pasta untìl al dente.
  3. While pasta cooks brown Italian sausage in a skillet. Cook fully and drain grease.
  4. Drain pasta and pour into a large bowl.
  5. .............
  6. ...................

full intructions here
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